Question: Speech spoils the transcendence of Reality, while silence spoils the Manifestation. How can one combine speech and silence without spoiling Reality?'
Whether we speak or remain silent, the ultimate reality in its suchness can never be indicated. For if we use language in trying to re-present the reality, the latter will necessarily become articulated on the spot, and consequently only the phenomena will be apparent and the Urgrund (primary principle) lost, while if we keep silent, the non-articulated may very well be symbolically presented, but the aspect of articulation will be left in the dark.'
Lou Mitsunen Nordstrom
Whether we speak or remain silent, the ultimate reality in its suchness can never be indicated. For if we use language in trying to re-present the reality, the latter will necessarily become articulated on the spot, and consequently only the phenomena will be apparent and the Urgrund (primary principle) lost, while if we keep silent, the non-articulated may very well be symbolically presented, but the aspect of articulation will be left in the dark.'
Lou Mitsunen Nordstrom
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